
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Spring Planning

Most years around here we don't have much of a spring to speak of. It's more like: winter, the sequel. A muddied version of the original. Maybe a little greener, some rain, but it's not uncommon for us to have a little snow clear through until the first week of June.

Nonetheless, our preparations for spring and summer have begun. We have big plans for this year. It's going to be quite the adventure for our little family! An adventure in seeing just how sustainable we can live on 4 acres of ground at 7,000 ft above sea level in Colorado. An adventure in becoming connected with where exactly our food comes from (of course our hope is it will mostly come from our little farm) and how exactly it is produced. And most of all, an adventure in living our priorities.

Now, I grew up on a small farm and have experience with a lot of the things we have planned, but I'm still a planner and I'm still all about the research. My current reading list:

How about you, read any good books lately? Any suggestions on good gardening or homesteading books I should read?


  1. Lately, I've been reading Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman, Mother Earth News and The New Pioneer magazine. And I dream of the raised beds from Gardener's Supply catalogue that are hideously expensive.

    1. I knew you'd have good suggestions! We're going to make our whole garden raised beds, from scratch ;) will be a post on it.
