
Monday, July 25, 2011

Back to School?!

So...I've noticed all the stores are starting to have aisles and aisles of school supplies. My mailbox is filled with homeschool catalogs. Back to school already?!

I have to say: yay! Now, I am definitely the one that can't wait for school to end come spring. After a long winter of feeling a bit cooped up and definitely over schoolwork all together, spring fever hits hard...summer cannot come fast enough!

We sleep late. We go to bed whenever we want. Chores get lax. There are days we are still in our jammies playing video games at noon. Days we will play at the creek. All. Day. Long. BBQ's, family reunions, sleeping in the tent...ahhhh, summer. Blissfully the way it was meant to be.

But after a fun filled, schedule went out the window summer I always look forward to this time of year. This is the time of year that I start doing my research (and do I LOVE my research), perusing the homeschool catalogs and websites, picking out curriculum for the upcoming homeschool year. I love it.

I begin looking forward to getting back to routine, to having days filled with structure again. Yes, I start looking forward to the coming school year!

This year I will have a high school senior (yes, eep, when did that happen?), a second grader, and my youngest *sniffle* will be in kindergarten. To tell the truth, I want this year to last forever. So many changes coming down the road. I want to revel in every little detail of this year. My teen's last year of high school, my babies first year of 'big boy school'. 

My goal is to slow down and smell the, er, math books? To thoroughly be present and enjoy the moments. These are the times that just don't come around again. Bring on the back to school! I'm excited, I'm ready.

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